"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Monday, July 8, 2013

You are now Under Attack

Dear Readers,

It's July now. There are so many things that I want to write about. First of them is that I want to attack you. 

You're probably a little confused there--and that's okay, I'll explain. I want to attack your weaknesses. I want to attack your insecurities, your worries, your deepest fears--just for a minute. 

I'm officially attacking the following about YOU;
-The idea that you can't do something. 
-The lie that you aren't good enough. 
-The thought that there is something that is holding you back. 
-The very thought of entitlement. 
-The idea that you are a hypocrite. 
-The very wisp of a thought that you don't matter. 
I attack these things because they are lies. They aren't real. These things aren't true about you--and I know it's hard, but STOP BELIEVING THEM ALREADY. 

Our Good God in Heaven didn't create you so that you could doubt yourself. That's damnation. Don't build it! You were meant to be an amazing, coursing river that will bring life to all around it, and that will flow into the great ocean. You have no right to doubt yourself, when the two greatest beings in the universe don't do so. Above that, you have some sort of family that loves you. 

Don't settle. 

Here are some specifics for you. 

-The idea that you can't do something-
    Whoever tells you anything like this should not be listened to. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Humans have done everything from writing books that have endured for centuries to creating spaceships that have gone to the moon. Nothing made them any different than you or I. We are born with gifts, but there isn't anything that stops us from learning something that is hard. 

The solution? DO HARD THINGS. Don't give up. Don't settle for second best. Don't even think about it. Take a stand. Be GREAT. I am sick and tired of people that I love thinking that they can't do something because there isn't enough ______________ in their life. We live in a time of opportunity. We live in a time where we can do ANYTHING. Don't be scared of failure. 

-The lie that you aren't good enough. 
   You ARE. 

-The thought that there is something that is holding you back. 
   The only thing that can really ever hold you back is YOU. 

-The very thought of entitlement. 
   Sickens me. The world doesn't owe you anything. There are amazing people in it that will help you. There are so many opportunities out there, BUT it's your duty to work for them! Good grief, we have so much! 

-The idea that you are a hypocrite. 
   Oh please--stop this one now. YOU ARE NOT A HYPOCRITE. Hypocritical about a small detail of your life--maybe on a bad day. In general? NO. I REPEAT NO--AND FOR A THIRD TIME--YOU ARE NOT A HYPOCRITE. 

-The very wisp of a thought that you don't matter. 
   God created you and if that isn't enough for you to think that you matter then take a moment to think of all of the people out there that LOVE you. Don't take that one lightly. It's a big deal too. 

I want you to really think about this. Why? Because I really wrote this for myself originally. I write it again for you because I know how much better I feel when I attack myself in this sort of way. I will not accept the bad parts of myself as who I will always be. 

I know with a surety that I'm not perfect. Not being perfect is okay though. I deserve happiness in my life, and so do you. I live in the country of opportunity and there isn't anything I can't do. You do too. Wherever you are. 

I can't really put it into words, just how much I believe in you. I have put everything I have into making my life happy, worthwhile, and wholesome, and you know what? It still isn't perfect, but it's mine! I made my life! How amazing is that?!?!?! Can you even comprehend that??? YOU made your life. It is full of fun times, sad times, times where you succeeded and didn't succeed, and all of the other ones in the middle, and NO ONE can ever make that happen again! We have so much we can do! I can do anything I want to, I can learn and grow in the perfect way for myself! You can too, and I hope that you do. 

I love you!!!! 
-Doug Knuth

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