"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Snow-vember; The Story of a Snow Optimist

Dear Readers,

For those of you that aren't snapchat friends with me, or didn't hang out with me in the beginning of the year, it may come as a surprise that I REALLY LOVE SNOW. This is just a somewhat simple post to explain to you why it is that I love snow, and maybe give you a little more perspective on it for yourself!

I have always enjoyed snow, but after we moved away from Washington state when I was six, we didn't really have white Christmases. It would be rainy, stormy, cold but not cold enough, or even sunny one year--but there wasn't really ever snow. You could tack that down as one of the big reasons that I love snow, and it is. Having snow around the holidays helps me think of when I had a very simple life, being very small, and of those times when I was warm with my family.

I also love it because it reminds me of my first semester of college here at BYU-Idaho. When I arrived on January 4th, 2013 it was snowing and white and I was so excited! What an adventure, braving the winter chill to go to class early in the morning on the far end of campus! I loved my first semester at college so very much, and that is another reason.

The third and final reason is the important one. One evening during that fantastic winter semester I walked across campus and worked out. Upon leaving the gym I found that it was snowing quite a bit. As I walked I marveled at the beauty of a quiet world, covered in tiny little white crystals. At the time I lived in apartments up the hill from the rest of the school and I had to walk by the dorms. I took some time to simply sit on the handrail by one of the buildings and watch it snow. This was something that I'd never really done before, and I was enchanted. The way the snow fell, the patterns it made as the wind blew, and then the way it fell so gently on my glove. I held out my hand and waited until I had accrued some of these tiny flakes and then decided to examine them closely. They were so perfect and beautiful, and as I confirmed in that moment, each one was unique.

Every snowflake that falls is different and important. One snowflake can't accomplish much on its own, but when it is with others--so many others--it can shine and make the world a brighter place in the darkest time of the year.

Now you know why Doug Knuth likes the snow so much.

Is it only because of that though?

No, not really.

The snow also reminds me of how much my Heavenly Father loves me. He created this world, and all of us in it, and we are each like a snowflake. We come in our season, and alone we might not make the biggest difference, but together we can brighten the world in its darkest hour. Together we can make something amazing happen, and we can see that there is something special in each of us--that's why.

-Doug Knuth

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Dear Readers,

It has been almost a month since last I posted, and things have been rather interesting. I've been at school and I've been loving it so much. I've had ups and downs, and I've been all around. I've seen the Hand of God in my life, and I've seen how sometimes we just don't do the right thing.

Even with the hard things though, the negative and sad times that we have, I know that my savior is there. I know that he loves me and that he is always there for me. Feeling sad is okay, it happens from time to time, and that's okay--as long sad isn't all we feel.

I'm hopeful for my future, and for the futures of those around me. Some days I don't feel like I deserve all of the amazing people in my life, but I know that God put them there because I was worth it. I know that I'm here because people love me, and they are here to support me because they see what I can become and what I am at my best.

I'm exhausted and need to get to bed, but I just wanted to send a message saying- I'm not necessarily okay right now, but I will be. I'm not as strong as I've been, but I will be stronger tomorrow.

I may not be the happiest with where I am right now, but I am moving, so I won't be here for long.

Thanks for reading, for being here for me--unseen, but here.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Airports, and the Best of Humanity

Dear Readers,

As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time in airports this week coming back from Portugal, and as I have, I've been amazed. Why, you might ask? Simply put, it is because I have seen what airports do to people, and that is amazing!

I would like to share a couple of examples here of how this is true;

1. No one ever judges you for the way you look in an airport. You can walk around in your comfy clothes without your hair looking perfect and you can even have one of those neck pillows on and no one gives it a second thought. Everyone knows that we're all in for a tiring experience ranging from an hour to over thirty based on location and destination--and everyone understands.

2. Everyone is helpful. It seems to me that in every flight that has ever occurred there will inevitably be that one person that has a hard time getting their bag into the overhead compartment. There is also inevitably some kind person that will help. Everyone knows that sometimes our baggage is heavy and unwieldy, and they're always with a disposition to help.

3. Whenever someone sits next to you, you can have a friendly conversation. This one a little less sometimes--I know that by the end of my travels I was zonked out and wasn't in a very talkative mood, but there is always something to say. People care. Where are you going? Where are you from? Are you on vacation? Without ever knowing your name, people will share their lives with you, and will allow you to do the same. They provide a listening ear without needing all the details.

4. Everyone has your back in one way or another. Did you drop something? Did you accidentally forget your cell phone charging where you sat by your gate? Did your bag fall and dispel all of its contents on the floor? There is always someone that is more than willing to help you out. They make sure that you make it to where you are going with everything that you came with.

These are just a few things that I observed in my travels this week, and I am grateful for the eye-opening experience. Seeing the kindness and unity that people bring with them in their travels is a testimony to me of the goodness in the world.

Now--I thought as I was writing this, what if we decided to make the world our airport, so to speak. I know that most of us do this naturally, but imagine if we honed in the same ideas in our day to day lives;

1. What if we didn't judge people?
2. What if we helped people with their baggage, helped them carry their loads?
3. What if we just talked to new people, just to know them better?
4. What if we decided to always have each others' backs, no matter what?

As I said, I imagine that most of us do this all the time, but what if we decided to do more? I found a video this morning and although the concept is familiar, I wanted to add it in here just to make a little point. When we do something that appears small, we're actually helping a greater cause. We're helping the cause of hope, of faith, of kindness, and the cause of humanity itself.

My name is Doug Knuth, and I believe in the good in the world.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pride and Prejudice

Dear Readers,

For many of you readers, you already know that for some time I have had a rather irrational distaste for Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. Oh my how it infuriated me to see that there was something like this that simply engulfed so many young women in the idea of romance like this. How anyone could possibly want to have such a relationship was beyond me, and I felt rather justified in my opinion.

That is, until last week.

While strolling around Tumblr I found a post by Hank Green announcing that the Lizzie Bennet Diaries were going to receive an Emmy. Well, I had to check it out of course. I remember seeing a friend watch it and distinctly thinking "what--ANOTHER RENDITION OF THAT STORY?! NOT AGAIN!"

Well, to all of the ladies in my life, I have to admit that I was prideful, and prejudiced. I watched all of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. In like two days. I had only ever watched the Mormon (also known as the pink) Pride and Prejudice. I always fell asleep when I watched the other ones and I judged them by what I saw.

What I saw was a prideful girl and a prideful boy that couldn't just spit out how they felt. I saw the hardships, I saw the trials, I saw the sadness of betrayal, I saw the darker part of our nature. I judged it and was critical of it. I even sort of judged the people that liked it. Not in a sort of permanent fashion, or in any way thought less of them--I just felt like I was constantly being compared to Mr. Darcy, and I didn't feel like I measured up.

So--I watched about 175 YouTube videos, and my opinion has changed. My outlook has changed, and maybe I'm willing to give things a better chance. I really found that I loved the story. I became very attached to the characters, the way I always seem to when I find a good story.

I want to apologize to everyone that I've ever bashed Pride and Prejudice to. I didn't give it a chance, and I should know better than to judge a book by its cover.

I've been in Europe for a month now, and I have been learning a lot about myself. Its funny because I even had a fortune cookie that said this would happen. I'm ready for a change again. I'm ready to return home and be a healthier person, all over. I'm ready to be that person that I want to be--maybe more like Mr. Darcy, a little more like Bing, and I'm sure glad that I still don't have anything in common with Mr. Wickham. I want to be that man that my wife is looking for, and I really think I am ready to start going to find her. I'm not perfect, in fact I'm quite flawed, but I know that I'm getting there.

I have given Pride and Prejudice a second chance, and I hope that I can give myself a second chance with less pride and prejudice.

I know that this might not seem like a big deal to you, my dear reader, but it is. I have been scared of love for so long, scared of hurting someone that I love, but more than that being scared of being hurt. It is as I always seem to tell people though, it really is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

My name is Doug Knuth, and when I come home I want to give myself a better chance.
-Darcy FTW-

On a slightly more normal blog related note-
We can all be a little more like this Beatles song and greet a brand new day. Let's do that :)

Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play

Dear Prudence open up your eyes
Dear Prudence see the sunny skies
The wind is low the birds will sing
That you are part of everything
Dear Prudence won't you open up your eyes?

Look around round round
Look around round round
Oh look around

Dear Prudence let me see you smile
Dear Prudence like a little child
The clouds will be a daisy chain
So let me see you smile again
Dear Prudence won't you let me see you smile?

Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day
The sun is up, the sky is blue
It's beautiful and so are you
Dear Prudence won't you come out to play

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thank You, Yes YOU

Dear Readers,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone in my life. Things are crazy, things are nuts, and at times I am downright crazy. I have hard times, and you're always there for me. It seems that there is always someone that has been put in my life to be exactly who and what I need at the given time. God has it in for me you know--He has it in for me to succeed in my life, no matter how silly I am at times.

That's thanks to you. Thanks to the friends, the family members, the random strangers who smile, the brave, the listeners, the meek, the kind, the loving, the shoulder to cry on, the friend who's always there, the friend that randomly calls, the friend that trusts me enough to know that she can call anytime and just vent, the friends who love me with my past, and love me for my future.

You have made me who I am today.

I have learned how to be patient, kind, loving, honest, open, optimistic from you. You show me daily that there really are things worth fighting for in this turbulent world. You give me purpose. You lift me, and there is so much more. I just want to take a moment, as I said, to tell you that, from the bottom of my heart to the very top--that I love you. That I am grateful for you. That I want to always be there for you. I want you to know that you are amazing. You make my life better.

Thank you for being you,
-Doug Knuth

Monday, July 8, 2013

You are now Under Attack

Dear Readers,

It's July now. There are so many things that I want to write about. First of them is that I want to attack you. 

You're probably a little confused there--and that's okay, I'll explain. I want to attack your weaknesses. I want to attack your insecurities, your worries, your deepest fears--just for a minute. 

I'm officially attacking the following about YOU;
-The idea that you can't do something. 
-The lie that you aren't good enough. 
-The thought that there is something that is holding you back. 
-The very thought of entitlement. 
-The idea that you are a hypocrite. 
-The very wisp of a thought that you don't matter. 
I attack these things because they are lies. They aren't real. These things aren't true about you--and I know it's hard, but STOP BELIEVING THEM ALREADY. 

Our Good God in Heaven didn't create you so that you could doubt yourself. That's damnation. Don't build it! You were meant to be an amazing, coursing river that will bring life to all around it, and that will flow into the great ocean. You have no right to doubt yourself, when the two greatest beings in the universe don't do so. Above that, you have some sort of family that loves you. 

Don't settle. 

Here are some specifics for you. 

-The idea that you can't do something-
    Whoever tells you anything like this should not be listened to. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Humans have done everything from writing books that have endured for centuries to creating spaceships that have gone to the moon. Nothing made them any different than you or I. We are born with gifts, but there isn't anything that stops us from learning something that is hard. 

The solution? DO HARD THINGS. Don't give up. Don't settle for second best. Don't even think about it. Take a stand. Be GREAT. I am sick and tired of people that I love thinking that they can't do something because there isn't enough ______________ in their life. We live in a time of opportunity. We live in a time where we can do ANYTHING. Don't be scared of failure. 

-The lie that you aren't good enough. 
   You ARE. 

-The thought that there is something that is holding you back. 
   The only thing that can really ever hold you back is YOU. 

-The very thought of entitlement. 
   Sickens me. The world doesn't owe you anything. There are amazing people in it that will help you. There are so many opportunities out there, BUT it's your duty to work for them! Good grief, we have so much! 

-The idea that you are a hypocrite. 
   Oh please--stop this one now. YOU ARE NOT A HYPOCRITE. Hypocritical about a small detail of your life--maybe on a bad day. In general? NO. I REPEAT NO--AND FOR A THIRD TIME--YOU ARE NOT A HYPOCRITE. 

-The very wisp of a thought that you don't matter. 
   God created you and if that isn't enough for you to think that you matter then take a moment to think of all of the people out there that LOVE you. Don't take that one lightly. It's a big deal too. 

I want you to really think about this. Why? Because I really wrote this for myself originally. I write it again for you because I know how much better I feel when I attack myself in this sort of way. I will not accept the bad parts of myself as who I will always be. 

I know with a surety that I'm not perfect. Not being perfect is okay though. I deserve happiness in my life, and so do you. I live in the country of opportunity and there isn't anything I can't do. You do too. Wherever you are. 

I can't really put it into words, just how much I believe in you. I have put everything I have into making my life happy, worthwhile, and wholesome, and you know what? It still isn't perfect, but it's mine! I made my life! How amazing is that?!?!?! Can you even comprehend that??? YOU made your life. It is full of fun times, sad times, times where you succeeded and didn't succeed, and all of the other ones in the middle, and NO ONE can ever make that happen again! We have so much we can do! I can do anything I want to, I can learn and grow in the perfect way for myself! You can too, and I hope that you do. 

I love you!!!! 
-Doug Knuth

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Sunday!

Dear Readers,

I know that I need to pay attention to the special broadcast that I am watching right now, but I want to make sure that I record these feelings right now. There is such a power, such a joy, such a supernal feeling in my heart right now. I was in the middle of feeling low about myself, my trials, and the little things that I allowed to cloud my vision--and all of a sudden I am in the realm of celestial joy!

My heart is in missionary work and I know that it will always roll forth. I know with all that I am--every single fiber of my heart, mind, soul, that this gospel is true. Jesus is the Christ. He truly Atoned for all of our sins, and I love him.

I know that my mission was amazing. My mission changed me in ways that I can never fully understand. I am so overwhelmed by gratitude, love for missionary work, and for pretty much everything!

God renewed, as always, my soul. The darkness that clouded me, even just that little bit, is completely gone.

What I want more than anything right now is to embrace the people that have made such a difference in my life. I want to share the love I have for them. I want them to know that they have changed my eternity. There are so many special people in my life. Every one of them does something that saves me. Each day. Every time I need someone--without fail.

Doug Knuth