"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Dear Readers,

Welcome to 2013! I know that everyone will be posting something (as I have already done myself) and I just wanted to add a few more lines!

New Year's Resolutions are an interesting thing these days. I think of them and I think of (as most of us probably would) all of those failed goals from last year. I think of all the times I said "this year is going to be different". Well, what made all those years the same? Or were they? I think that we can all take our New Year's Resolutions a little more seriously and I know that I for one am going to stick to them! I am not saying that I'll be perfect, because I know that wouldn't be realistic, but I know that a stick to it attitude isn't unrealistic! I know that we are better than we think! I know that there isn't anything that we can't do!

The bottom line here is that I want to really take my Resolutions to a new level this year. A resolution is  by definition a resolve or determination to do something, and although I can joke about them and laugh as well, I want to make sure that I follow through with them!

Any ways, happy 2013! I hope that your new year is filled with all the things that you are looking for, and maybe even some good ones that you weren't thinking would be there!

As Always!
-Doug Knuth

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