I think that I am going to write about my day, but first a little about things that I'm thinking about.
My friend Skylar asked me which came first, the chicken or the egg. I thought about it for a minute, and then came up with an answer that I was rather proud of!
The answer is that the chicken had to have come first, because if the egg had come first then there would have been no parent to care for it, and the egg would have ended up dying, and there would be no chicken at all.. That's that question answered!
Today made me think about the relationships I have with people around me. I think that we need to be honest with those around us. I hate playing that socially awkward game of tag that encompasses talking about things that people don't tend to agree on, and I really and truly think that we need to have a phrase that adequately ends a conversation and begins a new one. I know that there are such phrases that exist, but I need one that is altogether different and is not rude... I'll give it some thought and come up with something!
-Sub-Note 1. My mom only ended up having had a slight asthma attack. She only gets them once every two years or so, and so her inhaler was bad... No fun at all. But she didn't have a heart attack, which is a very positive way to think of things in this situation! She's fine now and probably enjoying a well deserved sleep after such a long day at work.
-Sub-Note 2. The reason that we are installing new locks in the house is thanks to my mother's in-laws. You see, dear reader, they are rather troublesome. The chapter of this story that begins the tale that will explain this situation to you began in May of last year (2009). My mother had been sort of reconnecting with her long lost black sheep of the family brother, who had made himself a bad name pretty much anywhere people knew his name. Drugs and gambling were his favorite things, before he got married again, and had a little boy. His wife held all of the same likes while they were "happy" if you could call it that... but when they would fight, my mother's brother's son would disappear for a couple of days, or until my uncle would come pleading back to her. They were handing the child to many different unsafe situations, and it took a couple of nights under a bridge, and being chased by the police for my mother's brother to realize that something in his life was wrong. (if only he could have realized that forty years ago.) So he called my mother while he was in an airplane on the way from San Diego to come and stay with us. I was so overjoyed you don't even know how sarcastic this text is. But none the less, he was here, and I was going to try to make the best of it. Things were alright and going well, and then they got off of the plane and we met up with them. The next nine months were fraught with emotional turmoil, lying, cheating, a little bit of illegal activity, and eventually at the beginning of this month, my mother's brother, his wife, and their son left in a large nasty old motor home, with momma meth and daddy do drugs in the back seats. Our family sacrificed a lot to try and help them, my mother gave her brother a free place to live, with no bills, she gave him the truck that her father told her never to give him, she gave him money, clothing, and pretty much everything and anything that she could to try and keep a minimal level of peace in the home. All that we got from it was nine months of sleepless nights, broken or missing possessions, broken hearts, lots of stolen or otherwise shadily procured goods, and porn stuffed in the bathroom and bed that we let them use. The day that they left was one of the happiest days of my life, and we are finally getting some semblance of order restored to our otherwise chaotic lives. The problem, however, lays in the fact that my mother's brother thinks that he and his wife and their son will be allowed to move back into our home. The warm spirit that should fill a home runs screaming for the hills when the arguing comes from them, and the smell doesn't help either. We finally decided as a family (it wasn't hard) that they were no longer welcome to live in our home. So, dad bought new locks for the house, and we're going to install them tomorrow.
So thanks for reading, and I hope that you have an awesome part of your life that you are experiencing for the next delayed period of time that spans between now and the next time we communicate!
-Doug Knuth
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