"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Around My Mind in 80 Days (also known as 80 days till departure)

I started writing this an hour or so ago, and was distracted so it was all babble and no substance, so here's another go at it. Today makes eighty till I leave for Utah, never to return for two whole years, and I had an interesting day. We are (as I mentioned yesterday) installing new locks in the house, and I helped dad do the first door today! We got it finished later this evening, since there was a bit going on. Aside from the door fixing, we drove up to Bridgeport Village and Picked up the rest of my white shirts and my three suits, along with my pants for my mission! Very exciting!!! After some lunch and shopping at Borders and Oblation (an AWESOME paper store) we returned to Salem for Dak's Eagle Court of Honor! I thought a lot while we were there, and after when we got home, about the significance of Scouting in my life.

The Boy Scouts of America is an amazing organization that helps us young guys to not fall by the wayside, as long as we can be active, and enjoy the challenges that scouts brings into our lives. There isn't a compromise in standards, and you can't take the easy way out in scouting, if you want to be awarded the Eagle Scout award. I didn't really even think of it when I received my Eagle, but seeing all that Dak has done, and all the potential that he has really sparked something with me. Young people all around are becoming the examples of tomorrow.

-As a side note, I have recently discovered something. All of my life my mother and father taught me that I need to respect my elders (meaning people that are older then me), because they have more life experience, and because they have most likely gone through similar things that they can relate to you with. While I still find this true, I have come to find that you can't always look to the people that are older then you to be the example. Now, I'm not saying that kids shouldn't listen to their parents. I wouldn't say that unless the parents are doing something seriously wrong, and that's really not a common occurrence (or at least I would like to think that it isn't). What I mean is that for a young adult, sometimes you just have to be your own example, when no one else is around to watch, you need to be someone that you yourself can look up to. We are so drawn to people that look glamorous, or seem to have all the answers that we can't seem to realize that once in a while we are having the wool pulled over our eyes!

Any ways, back to what I was saying. Young people are the examples of tomorrow, and the leaders that are coming into their own! We need more then ever to have a positive environment in which we can achieve a level of excellence unparalleled by any other! With so many resources at our fingertips we have become a somewhat slothful and lazy generation, but what we really need to do is take the ball and run! Imagine if Abraham Lincoln had been given a tiny sliver of the technology and information that we have today! He was a great man with little to no schooling, and yet he led one of the most controversial and dare I say epic battles that has been fought on American soil! He wasn't born a six foot six man with a beard that had great ideals of freedom, he worked hard at them and did his best to be an example to those around him. He did so much with so little, and we do so little with so much that it doesn't seem right, at least to me. I believe that we need to think bigger and better then we believe we can, and bring back the determination that the earlier generations of the United States had, so that we can better usher in the new era of the world. Right now we are in an era of turmoil, an era of disposable pleasures and no consequences, but that needs to change! We need to take up the responsibility that has been left to us by our parents, and their parents, or we will surely fail.

It is my firm belief that there is nothing that we can't do if we set our minds on it. One man changed the way the world thinks many a time, so why can't we? The answer is that we can. All we need is a little bit of effort and some good old fashioned elbow grease to get the job done.

"Hard work never killed anyone, and hardly working keeps you from living at all."

-Doug Knuth

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