There isn't much more I can say than I said in the title. I want to write a bit about it though. I was reading a talk yesterday and that thought came to me. It is so simple, really--and so very amazing! Can I even really understand what that means to me? Putting faith over fear really is the secret to living a happy life.
I have a friend that's been going through a hard time and I did my best to give him some advice. He told me that I am one of the happiest people that he knows. You know what? I may be.
Do you want to know how?
Do you want to know the secret?
Do you want to know how to be happy?
Well, you've already read the answer.
Put faith over fear, and your life will change. It isn't easy to do. It takes hard work. It takes being more afraid than you can even imagine at times. It takes putting yourself out there and being vulnerable. You have to be vulnerable to God, to your friends and family, and to the world. You have to have the same faith that Superman had--faith that he could trust humanity with who he was. Your super power might not involve lifting buildings or laser-vision, but let me tell you that faith becomes a super power.
Deciding that it is better to love or trust and be hurt than to never feel--that's how you find it. You take chances, make mistakes, and get messy. At times your heart will ache until you think that there is no more pain that you can handle. That's what makes it worth it though.
There is no way to feel that joy and love that life has to offer if you spend your time worrying that you'll stop feeling that way.
Superman had to know that his whole world was gone, and he almost lost everything that he cared about. He could have even lost his life. That's how we must live. Not crashing around the world or saving the whole thing at once, but taking that Hero's chance to do something that could make the difference. THAT is how you find happiness.
That's how you find joy, and live your life.
We are blessed with so much, SO VERY MUCH. Take a minute to count ten things that you have right now that have made your life better.
We have no right to complain, no right to make the world darker. Darkness will always come from behind the light, and we will create more of what we focus on!
My friends--go forth and be awesome. Do great things. The world will surprise you with how much good it has, if you only take the time to go and see it.
I love you.
Make today count.
You are infinite.
You are great.
You know what to do.
There is much waiting on you.
People need your BEST SELF.
Don't save it for some day in the future, or it will never come!
Doug Knuth
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