I know that this is unheard of. Two posts in one night from someone that doesn't regularly blog for months at a time, but I have to say something somewhere that someone will see. I love languages. I speak two of them, English and Portuguese. I know that my knowledge of these languages isn't perfect, but I find it a little concerning that so many people are totally fine with mediocre in regards to language proficiency.
I won't go into detail about every little thing that is incorrect in the use of every little thing in the world of grammar, but I just need to express this one little thing! There is a distinct difference in the meaning of the word 'your' and the word 'you're'. I am aware that many if not all those that read this will already know the difference so I won't bore you with the details, but I just want to say this;
When we accept mediocrity in some small aspect of our lives, when we decide to slip up on that little thing here and there, we are allowing ourselves to degrade the future of our wonderful world. We allow for the little things here and there, and then what? The big boulders only fall when the small pebbles that hold them in place are dislodged! We need to keep going! Keep moving forward as Walt Disney put it so eloquently. Just do it has been Nike's logo for a time, and we can take that to heart! If we can continue to move forward with the little things then the big things will come much easier, and we will see that the 'big' things in life really aren't that big!
To illustrate this point (moving away from the grammar) I can use the example of myself in scouting. I was seventeen going on eighteen and I was nearing my birthday. For those that may not know- in the boy scout program you can only advance and gain the prestigious title of Eagle by fulfilling the requirements before your eighteenth birthday. I had a personal goal to obtain this honor, but the thought of the daunting paperwork and labor associated with it was a major put off. However when I knuckled down and just did it I found that it really wasn't that hard at all! On the contrary I found that the process wasn't hard at all and that I could do much more than I anticipated!
Oh the wonders and things that we can accomplish when we set out without the preconceived notions that we aren't capable of something. Don't buy into the idea that you aren't good enough. Nothing great has ever been accomplished or will ever be accomplished if you don't believe in yourself. The first and greatest battle in life is to conquer one's self, to make not only a decision but a lifestyle out of believing in the impossible- for it is only with the impossible that we can make our dreams. Make your life matter. You only have one, and there aren't save points or dress rehearsals!
And yes, please live your life using proper grammar. You're a better person for it.
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