"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Death and Taxes

So, I sort of disappeared for a while there, and I know that all of my imaginary readers have been distraught to an unhealthy degree, so I will post again. *granted, I have started a few posts, but I haven't been able to finish any, and through the wonders of my laptop, the text was lost to the fatal Dead Battery Syndrome. Allow me to digress though. I have been very busy lately, doing a lot of nothing and a little bit of something useful here and there. I find that the more I type here, the more I find that I, myself, am a hypocrite. The ideals that I believe in are awesome, and are not impossible, but they are, however, improbable. In an example, I told myself that when I got my mission call, I would stop playing video games. Pokemon Soul Silver came out a few days later. Yeah.... *for those of you, and yes, I mean you Kayla* I took the video game rant down because I wrote it when I was tired and in a VERY anti-technology mood. We need not talk about it. I know that for the rest of you, *the ones that don't read every entry before I take something down* may be curious and confused, but it is better that you remain that way, so that you hopefully will not think ill of me. although, you may think so since I won't tell you, but either way, you are either still reading, or have closed the tab, so yeah, that's that.

Death and Taxes are the title points of this entry, and so they shall be.
Death- Well, it is the other one guaranteed in life, so it seems relevant somehow.

Taxes- Suck. Well, rewind 14 characters, add a space, and then start over with this one. I am totally fine with paying taxes. They keep our country running, and they keep me safe from creeps that would steal my stuff. What I don't like is when the government tells me that I don't have to pay another 5-15 dollars or so on each paycheck, and that then I have to pay over 100 dollars when I don't have it for the leeway I received during each of my previous pay periods. I'd rather have a little less for a while when I have it then a lot less when I don't. It's the difference between my parents helping me, and having a smaller waistline from eating out less.

I know somewhere, deep down, that it's my own fault for not being politically aware enough to realize what was happening to me, but at the same time, the government doesn't exactly make it known what I am going to have to do. I'm a little perturbed right now, and so this is probably just me being tired and moody, but the government that we keep complaining about seems to do a lot of not changing. I think that we need to be more active in our government, so that this doesn't happen. I know that it probably won't happen before I go on my mission, but sooner or later, I'll make it happen.

That's all for now, my dear imaginary readers, and whomever may be here as well.

-Doug Knuth

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