Dear Everyone,
Happy Easter! It was 22 years ago that I was born today, and
there are a couple of things that I have been thinking of. I want to share
something about Easter that came to me right now, as I sit on a bus heading
home from Utah to Idaho.
Easter as we celebrate
it is a celebration of Christ over the Grave. It is a celebration of
victory. It is a celebration of completion, of happiness, of life, of hope, of
the future. We are those who survive Christ, and that people so long ago. Each
year we take some time to be grateful for what we have, but I want to take it a
step further this year. Let us take it to the step that we will do just that in
our lives.
Let’s celebrate our successes. Let’s celebrate our good
grades, our accomplishments. Let’s decide that we will Carry On and move
forward with our lives! The best birthday present anyone could give me would to
be a promise that he or she will never ever give up. You want to make me the
happiest friend ever? Be happy with the things you have, and make your life
more than that! Find beauty in the mundane, and make the mundane impressive!
Don’t allow yourself to settle in life, especially with yourself. Don’t accept mediocrity!
Don’t allow your Monday’s to be bad! Make rainy days the ones that are the
sunniest! Do you realize how much YOU can do? Do you know how much any one
person can do? One person who was just like us saved the human race. We can’t
quite do that because He already did, but we can do quite a bit! Doubt and fear
rob faith. One of the wisest people I know told me once that worrying shows a
dedicated lack of faith.
I also recently heard a good saying about doubting, and how
it isn’t worth our time. Can we really afford to waste even a moment of our
lives worrying all that much? Please don’t misread—I’m the chief culprit here.
If worrying were an Olympic sport I would have a few gold medals to pin on the
wall! HOWEVER! I work every day to not worry so much. I work my mind and heart
together to fight against my weaknesses. That’s what Christ did. That’s what He
taught us to do.
He already felt everything that we will ever feel. He
already knows how amazing you are. We are given weaknesses not to trip us up or
to tear us down, but rather to lift us closer to God and as an opportunity to
grow and learn. I can’t think of anything better to do than to overcome.
That’s what Easter is all about too, isn’t it?
That’s what Easter is all about too, isn’t it?
To sum up today’s message, I invite you to overcome
something and come forth a better, stronger person. I know you can!
I love you all! Happy Easter!!
-Doug Knuth