"Each day that passes will never come again. Make it worth remembering!"
-Doug Knuth

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Days Are Here Again!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you. Truthfully, sincerely, and seriously, thank you. Each and every one of you has been such a positive influence in my life, and I cannot express how much it means to me to know that I have wonderful friends like all of you.

This world that we live in is so plagued by opposition, hatred, and pessimism, that it can be hard to find anything to be excited and happy about, but I'm slowly coming to realize that this is not so. We allow ourselves to fret and worry about small details, discussing the tiny speck on the lens of the telescope whilst we ignore the glorious cosmos above. I have myself been staring at any number of specs, ignoring the wonders of the world around me, but I will do so no more! I am making a promise to myself, and to anyone that wants to as well, that I am going to see the bigger picture, and that I am going to make it known that I think, no, I know that the world is a wonderful place, and that I will do everything I can, and maybe a little bit more then that, to make sure that in everything I do, the best is evident.

Mediocrity is not a standard, but a trap that will ensnare us if we allow it to, and there is nothing that we can do except it be that we decide to move ourselves above it, and make ourselves better then society says that we can be. I know that I myself have mourned at what I have thought of as the world's doom, but in doing so I have found that I, myself, have only been contributing to this unhealthy practice of complain now and do something later. Let's all be better then our best. Let's make the future brighter. Let's all go and do something marvelous and amazing. While it may not be apparent to begin, things can, and will change if and when we decide to change them.

I want to be better, and I know that I'm not the only one. We're here to do more then watch TV and play games. We're here to do amazing things. So let's stop thinking about them, and go and do them!

I just want to again thank everyone that will read this. You're amazing, wonderful, inspiring, and above all, you are special. You have talents that are untapped, and you have limitless potential. You aren't just anyone. You're someone, and you're someone that can make a difference. It won't be easy, but don't make it hard. Make it something that you know you can do! (Which is anything) So have an idea, run around outside, talk to someone that you haven't talked to in a while, tell someone that you care about them, bake someone something just because. Be the awesome people that I know you are!

I love you all, and want to hear the best of things that you've been doing,
Douglas Wescott Knuth

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ninja Story, Chapter one

For this story, we begin in a reality that suggests that anything I say can happen happens. We must also assume that I, being the only one that governs this dimension, am allowed to do whatever the heck I want. So there. NO WHINING.

The path was dark, and my mind was racing. I'm too young for this, I thought to myself, as the shadows of the trees around me grew longer and more menacing, as if to grab me where I stood. I knew that in this world there were many dangers, and in those shadows were other ninja, ready to attack at the slightest trip, or sensing of weakness. That's when things went wrong. I was so focused on finding the presence of an enemy around me that a man carrying a small box didn't register until he bumped into me.

"Oh my, I am so sorry sir!"
"Ah, so it would be you this time Broady"
"I'm sorry?"
"You're the one that's been chosen from this world. You've been chosen for the war."
"What? Who are you, and why-" I stopped. Something was wrong. Things didn't add up in my mind as I stood looking at this man. He was about six foot three inches tall and of a large stature. He looked to be about twenty one years old, and based on height and size, he should have weighed no less then two hundred pounds, yet he had almost fallen over when I grazed him. That, and his voice was somewhat unsettling. It was both deep and light, low and high, and in the strangest way sounded like my mother and worst enemy.
"Broady, you have been chosen. Take this with you as you go, you'll need it" The man said, handing me the box. It was small and appeared to be made of wood. I glanced at it for a moment, then turned to ask the man for his name. He was gone. I sent out a few shadow clones to search for him, but he was nowhere. I looked at the box, and then everything went black.

The lesson I should have learned here is to never, ever accept anything from someone that I don't know, but I'm far from that intelligent. My skills lie in pretty much everything but human to human relationships. If I don't have to know someone, I'll be nice to them, but I won't put thought into it. I suppose that it has something to do with my mind, but I have no idea. Give me a combat situation though, and I'll win. I've never lost a fight, and I am always the best at what I do. I'm a ninja in an age that thinks ninjas are fictional, and an age where man has lost sight of what's really important. I live in the village of the Sky Scrapers, the one from downtown New York. I don't pay attention to the street names though, since we don't deal in the town. We protect it, but it's the fact that we don't have to go into the city that shows that we keep it safe. We have a perimeter wide enough to keep most of the entire United States safe, and quite honestly, I've never even been to the home base in New York. I prefer to work on the west coast, where California used to be. I do roaming missions, and try to help keep people around in America. After all, that's what the ninja clans were founded to do. We keep the peace in this mad house.

Well, we try at least. Back in 2001, that's when all of the trouble really started. Some rogue ninja hijacked a plane and busted through our defensive barriers. They made the best tactical decision. I hate them for all things that they've done, and I'll grind their bones into the dust, but as a tactician, I have to say that they pulled the best move that they could have. They cut down one of the main hubs for the village, and we were all shocked. Rogue ninjas from the UK, disguising themselves as the Palestine to throw off the scent, but I knew better. They didn't believe me when I told em' that it had to be the Viktorian Style to pull it off, but what do I care... What can I do against em...

**I'll write more later, I need to sleep for now!** C:

New post, for realzies

So, I haven't been posting lately, but it isn't for a lack of trying. I've started about six posts, that rambled on and on, but I couldn't seem to finish them, and then when I tried to finish them, I couldn't seem to get anything out right, and then usually my laptop would die and I wouldn't be able to any ways because all of the writings would be lost. sad me. too bad though. Moving on now, I've had some rather brilliant ideas for a story floating through my head, and since no one really reads my blog, I won't be worrying about someone stealing my ideas and publishing them for their own!! Yay me and having some anonymity over the internet! So, the story is going to begin in the next blog post, and continue on for I don't know how long! I'll start all of the story blogs off differently then the others, for those of you that may be reading (I know you're there in my head, my imaginary friends!!!) and I am going to write about you!! (Yep, all of my imaginary friends are going to get a story to bind them together!) so yeah. The End